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Apr, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

When will we know who our coach is or when practice starts?

Teams are assembled after registration closes at the end of March. You should expect to hear from your coach on or around April 1st. Little League International allows practices to begin April 1st. Practice schedules are determined by the coaches when the teams are assigned.

What days are practices & games?

Practice schedules are determined by the individual coaches, they will communicate their plan for practices once teams are assigned. Game schedules are yet to be determined but as a general rule, we try to schedule as follows:

Tee Ball - 2 games per week on Tues/Thurs/Sat

Coach Pitch - 2-3 games per week on Mon/Wed/Sat

AAA - 2-3 games per week on Mon/Wed/Sat

Majors - 2-3 games per week on Tues/Thurs/Sat

Juniors & Seniors - 2-3 games per week, schedule varies

Softball Coach Pitch - 2-3 games per week Mon/Wed/Sat

Softball AAA - 2-3 games per week Mon/Wed/Sat

Softball Majors - 2-3 games per week Tues/Thurs/Sat

When is the first game?

This year, we will begin games the week of May 2nd and will host out our official opening day ceremony on Saturday, May 7th. Opening day is a celebration for all NLL players and their families. All teams should plan to be at our home field location by 9:30am to begin team photos and prepare for our opening ceremony at 10:30am. Lunch will be provided for all players immediately after opening ceremony, and games will be begin by 11:30am on all fields. All teams will have a game on Saturday, May 7th.

When will we get a game schedule?

We work very hard to have a game schedule distributed by the second week of April.  

Where will games be? Tee Ball games are always played at our NLL complex in Riverside Park with the exception of a couple of dates when our fields are unavailable and we move those games to a neighboring league within about a 10 minute drive. Most often, coach pitch games are also played at NLL but they may have a couple of away games. AAA - Seniors play a more regular schedule of home & away games. As a rule, we try to limit the travel distance for away games to a 10 mile radius of our home field. Occasionally, due to field conditions or other situations, we may need to move a game to an offsite field, but it would rarely be more than 15 miles from our home field. Softball is the only exception because there are fewer softball teams in the district, sometimes we may need to travel to a field in Sparta, Rockford, or even Lowell. Please know that we do everything we can to keep travel to minimum.

I'd like to be a coach or an assistant coach for my child's team, who do I contact?

We always need coaches!  If you didn't sign up as a volunteer coach when you registered your child you can edit your registration simply by logging back in. Otherwise you can send an email to [email protected] to express your interest in coaching. Please include your child's name and age. Coaching spots are given first to returning coaches from the previous season and then to new parents/grandparents.

What gear or equipment do I need to purchase for my player?

NLL will provide catchers gear, bats (one or two per team), and helmets for players to share during practices & games, HOWEVER, in light of continued covid-19 concerns, we highly recommend that all players have their own equipment. All players need to have their own glove. Batting gloves and cleats (no metal cleats for tee ball thru majors) are recommended but not required for play. NLL also provides a team jersey & hat/visor to each player.

Can I buy my child his or her own bat?

Yes, you are welcome to purchase your own bat for game use, however, please consider the following: kids share, even if you don't want them to. Please do not purchase a bat for your player if you are not willing to let other kids use it. We always encourage kids to ask for permission first, but they are kids (you have kids, you know how it is). View current little league bat rules here:

What division is my child in?

Generally speaking, divisions are determined by age and are listed below; exceptions are made based on date of birth vs league start date, player experience, skill set, etc. If you feel that your child is registered in the wrong age group, please email [email protected] for review.

Tee Ball : Ages 4-6

Coach Pitch/AA : Ages 7-8

AAA : Ages 9-10

Majors : Ages 11-12

Juniors : Ages 13-14

Have another question? Email [email protected] or post it to our Facebook page:
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